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 small niltava

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عالم الطبيعة
عالم الطبيعة

المساهمات : 482
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/07/2009

small niltava Empty
مُساهمةsmall niltava

small niltava
small niltava Aoa18
The small niltava (Niltava macgrigoriae) is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet and Vietnam. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.

It is 11 to 14 cm long and weighs 11 to 13 grams; males are blue; females are brown and have a bright blue cyan in both genders

It feeds on small invertebrates, including flies, and some fruits, such as berries.

Nesting season in March to August. The nest is built by females, helps the male to bring nesting materials, the nest is made mostly of algae,
bengalé: ছোট নীলমনি
catalán: niltava petit
checo: Lejsek Macgregoruv, lejsek tmavomodrý
danés: Niltava
alemán: Feen Blauschnäpper, Feenblauschnäpper, Feenniltava
inglés: Small Blue-Flycatcher, Small Flycatcher, Small Niltava
español: Niltava Chica, Papamoscas de McGrigor
Spanish (Spain): Papamoscas de McGrigor
finés: Pikkusinisieppo
francés: Gobemouche de McGrigor, Niltava féérique, Petit Niltava
italiano: Niltava minore, Niltava piccola
japonés: chibiaohitaki, hime ao-hitaki, himeaohitaki
japonés: チビアオヒタキ, ヒメアオヒタキ
Japanese (Kanji): 姫青鶲
latín: Muscicapella macgrigoriae, Niltava macgregoriae, Niltava macgrigoriae, Phoenicura MacGrigoriae
lituano: Mažoji niltava
holandés: Kleine Niltava
noruego: Småniltava
polaco: niltawa mala, niltawa mała
Pinyin: xiǎo xiān-wēng
ruso: Малая нилтава, Малая нильтава
eslovaco: niltava pôvabná
serbio: Mala niltava
sueco: Mindre niltava
tailandés: นกนิลตวาเล็ก
Thai (Transliteration): nók nin-ta-waa lék
vietnamita: Chim Đớp ruồi trán đen, Đớp ruồi trán đen
chino: 小仙鶲, 小仙鹟
Chinese (Traditional): 小仙鶲

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