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 desert finch

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عالم الطبيعة
عالم الطبيعة

المساهمات : 482
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/07/2009

desert finch Empty
مُساهمةdesert finch

desert finch
desert finch Aoa24

The desert finch (Rhodospiza obsoleta), sometimes called Lichtenstein's desert finch, is a large brown true finch found in southern Eurasia. Its taxonomy is confused, and it has formerly been placed in Fringilla, Bucanetes, Carduelis and Rhodopechys.

It has an average wingspan of 26 centimetres (10 in). It has a stout black bill, black and white remiges and rectrices, and a slash of rosy-pink on each wing. The female is more dull in color than the male, but other than that the adult sexes are similar in color pattern.

The bird is indeed a desert resident in areas where water is readily available, but it can also be found in low mountains and foothills, and in cultivated valleys. It feeds on seeds and the occasional insect. Nesting occurs in trees in the spring, often in fruit trees in orchards, and the female lays and incubates 4 to 6 pale green, lightly speckled eggs.

This species does not migrate except locally. The desert finch congregates near rural and remote human settlements, and the well-watered orchard in otherwise arid land is an ideal habitat. It can be found in feeding in large flocks of its own species or mixed finch flocks.

عربية : النغر أسود المنقار, هرد,حسون الصحراء
بلغارية : Пустинна чинка
كاتالانية : pinsà del desert
تشيكية : Hýl pustinný
الدانماركية: Ørkenfinke
ألمانية : Schwarzzügelgimpel, Weißflügelgimpel, Weissflügel-Gimpel
إنجليزية : Black-billed Desert Finch, Black-billed Desert-Finch, Black-billed Finch, Desert Finch, Desert-Finch, Lichtenstein's Desert Finch, Lichtenstein's Finch
إسبانية : Camachuelo de Lichtenstein, Camachuelo Deserti, Camachuelo Desertícola
Spanish (Spain): Camachuelo desertícola
إستونية : oaasileevike
فارسية : سهره خاکی
فنلندية : Peltotulkku
فرنسية : Bouvreuil de Lichtenstein, Roselin à ailes lilas, Roselin de Lichtenstein
عبرية : חצוצרן מדבר, חצוצרן שחור מקור, חצוצרן שחור־מקשר, חצוצרן שחור-מקור
هنغارية : feketecsőrű sivatagipinty
إيسلندية : Sandfinka
إيطالية : Fringuello del deserto, Trombettiere di Lichtenstein
يابانية : hashi-guro naki-mashiko, hashiguronakimashiko
اليابانية: ハシグロナキマシコ
Japanese (Kanji): 嘴黒鳴き猿子
كازاخستانية : Шєл құнақ
Kazakh (Transliteration): şöl qunaq
لاتينية : Fringilla obsoleta, Rhodopechys obsoleta, Rhodopechys obsoletus, Rhodospiza obsoleta, Rhodospiza obsoletus
ليتوانية : Baltasparnė sniegena, Palšasis svilikėlis
لاتفية : tuksneša žubīte
منغولية : Цөлийн божрог
Mongolian (Bichig, Inner Mongolia): ᠬᠣᠰᠢᠭᠣᠷᠬᠠᠭ ᠮᠠᠩᠬᠠᠨ ᠪᠢᠯᠵᠣᠣᠬᠠᠢ
Mongolian (Cyrillic, Inner Mongolia): Хошуурхаг манхан бялзуухай
Mongolian (Transliteration): khoshuurkhag maŋkhaŋ byalzuukhai, tsöliŋ bojrog
هولندية : Vale Woestijnvink
نرويجية : Ørkenfink, Svartnebbfink
بولندية : czarnodziobek, gilak blady
Pinyin: jù-zuǐ shā-què
برتغالية : Asa-rosada
Portuguese (Portugal): Asa-rosada
روسية : Буланый вьюрок, Буланый Вьюрок - Пустынный Вьюро, Вьюрок буланый, Пустынный вьюрок, Пустьынный вьюрок
سندية : هبٻي
سلوفاكية : sivák pustatinný, sivák pustinný
سلوفينية : beloperuti trobentar
صربية : Pustinjska zeba
سويدية : Ökenfink
تركية : Boz Alamecek, Шөл құнақ
صينية : 巨嘴沙雀
Chinese (Traditional): 巨嘴沙雀

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