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 Siberian rubythroat

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عالم الطبيعة
عالم الطبيعة

المساهمات : 482
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/07/2009

Siberian rubythroat Empty
مُساهمةSiberian rubythroat

Siberian rubythroat
Siberian rubythroat Aoa27

The Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family, Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher of the family Muscicapidae. The Siberian rubythroat and similar small European species are often called chats.

Habitat: Found in brushy forest clearings, edge of taiga or boreal forest, shrubby streamside thickets, or other similar semi-open habitats with available brush.
Diet: Feeds heavily on insects, spiders, worms, and other small invertebrates, but will also eat berries and fruits.
Behavior: Feeding typically occurs on the ground or low in vegetation such as in shrubs and streamside thickets.
Nesting: The nest of a Siberian Rubythroat is placed on the ground in a protected area such as the base of a tree or shrub, constructed of grasses, leaves, moss, hair, and other material.  The female lays 4 to 6 eggs and she alone incubates them. The eggs hatch after about 2 weeks, and both parents help feed and raise the young.
Song: The song of a Siberian Rubythroat is a long series of warblng notes. Calls include a loud chee-wah and a lower-pitched kuck.
Migration: Migratory.  During the summer they are found as breeding birds in Siberia.  They move to eastern India, Thailand, Indonesia, and other nearby countries for the winter.

أذربيجانية : Birəbitdən quşu
بنغالية : সাইবেরীয় চুনিকণ্ঠী
البوسنية: Crvendać
كاتالانية : Pit-roig, Rossinyol Siberià
Valencian: Pit-roig
تشيكية : Slavík kaliopa, Slavík kaliopá, slavík Kaliopin
الدانماركية: Rubinnattergal
ألمانية : Rubinkehlchen, Taigarubinkehlchen
Emiliano-romagnolo: Pitiross
إنجليزية : Common Rubythroat, Gr. Kamchatka Nightingale, Greater Kamchatka Nightingale, Greater Kamschatka Nightingale, Kamchatka Nightingale, Rubythroat, Siberian Rubythroat
إسبانية : Gargarita Roja, Petirrojo Siberiano, Ruiseñor calêope, Ruiseñor Caliope, Ruiseñor calíope
Spanish (Spain): Ruiseñor Calíope
إستونية : rubiinööbik, Rubiin-ööbik
فنلندية : Rubiinisatakieli
فاروية : Øsreyður náttargali
فرنسية : Calliope de Sibérie, Calliope sibérienne, Calliope sibérienne à gorge rubis, Calliopse sibérienne, Rossignol calliope
Friulian: Petarňs, Scriç
غاليكيانية : Paporroibo, Paporrubio común, Pisco
عبرية : אדום־גרון
كرواتية : Crvenvoljka
هنغارية : rubinbegy
إيسلندية : Fagurgali
إيطالية : Calliope, Calliope siberiana
يابانية : hinomaru, nodo-aka, nogoma, No-goma
اليابانية: ノゴマ, ノドアカ, ヒノマル
Japanese (Kanji): 喉赤, 日の丸, 野駒
Khakas: Хызыл мойын торчых
كازاخستانية : Қызылтамақ бұлбұл
Kazakh (Transliteration): qızıl-tamaq bulbul
كورية : 진홍가슴
Korean (Transliteration): jin-hong-gaseum, öŋgölüürt gurgaldai
كورنيش: Rudhek
لاتينية : Calliope calliope, Erithacus calliope, Luscinia calliope, Motacilla Calliope
Limburgish: Roadbäörsjke, Roadbeursjke, Roedbeurske, Roeëdbäösjke
Ladin: Pietcuecen
Lombard: Piciàl
ليتوانية : Raudongurklė, Sibirinė raudongurklė
لاتفية : Sibīrijas rubīnrīklīte, Taigas rubīnrīklīte
منغولية : Өнгөлүүрт гургалдай, Хундан өнгөлүүрт гургалдай
Mongolian (Bichig, Inner Mongolia): ᠣᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨ ᠣᠮᠣᠷᠣᠣᠲᠣ ᠬᠢᠲᠠᠷᠣᠣ
Mongolian (Cyrillic, Inner Mongolia): Улаан омроот хятруу, Улаан хятруу
Mongolian (Transliteration): khundaŋ öŋgölüürt gurgaldai, ulaaŋ khyatruu, ulaaŋ omroot khyatruu
ماليزية : Burung Murai Leher Merah, Burung Murai Sawa
مالطية : Rozinjol tas-Siberja
هولندية : Roodkeel nachtegaal, Roodkeelnachtegaal
نرويجية : Rubinstrupe
أوكسيتانية : Papach rós, Papachrós
بولندية : słowiczek rubinowy, slowik rubinowy, słowik rubinowy
Pinyin: bái diǎn kē, diǎn kē, hóng diǎn kē, hóng diàn kér, hóng kē, hóng-bó, hóng-bó què, hóng-hóu gē-qú, lú-gǎo niǎo, yě qú
برتغالية : pisco-de-garganta-vermelha, Rouxinol-de-garganta-vermelha
Portuguese (Portugal): Pisco-de-garganta-vermelha
Romansh: Puppen cotschen
رومانية : Loli-kolinaki, Lolo-kolinako
روسية : Solovey-krasnosheyka, Соловей-красношейка
سلوفاكية : slávik cervenohrdlý, slávik červenohrdlý
سلوفينية : rubinasti slavec
صربية : Crvenovoljka
سويدية : Rubinnäktergal
تايلاندية : นกคอทับทิม
Thai (Transliteration): nók kʰoaa-tʰáp-tʰim
تركية : Yakutgerdan, Қызылтамақ бұлбұл
Tuvinian: Кызыл моюннуг айлаң-кушкаш
فييتنامية : Chim Oanh cổ đỏ, Oanh cổ đỏ
Sorbian, Lower: Sprjosk
Sorbian, Upper: Ročk
صينية : [hong dian ke], [hong-hou ge-qu], [ye qe], 点颏, 白点颏, 紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦), 红喉歌鸲, 红喉歌鸲红点颏, 红点颏, 红点颏、红喉歌鸲, 红脖, 红脖雀, 红靛颏儿, 红颏, 芦槁鸟, 野鴝
Chinese (Traditional): 白點頦, 紅喉歌鴝, 紅脖, 紅脖雀, 紅靛頦兒, 紅頦, 紅點頦, 蘆槁鳥, 野鴝, 野鴝〔紅喉歌鴝〕, 點頦
Chinese (Taiwan, Traditional): 野鴝
Chinese (Taiwan): [ye qe], 野鴝, 野鸲
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